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Customer Testimonial

'The training was very informative. I learned a great deal about cold calling that I didn't know before. I really liked Tonnia's enthusiasm. She was funny and hit on many great points.'
–Jeff Simpson
 Account Development Representative

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Cold Calling with Class™ - Full Day Event Agenda

Training Seminar
8:30am to 11:45am

In this segment you will learn the mindset of Cold Calling with Class™. Discover new strategies that will immediately awaken your prospect's interest and place you in conversations that lead to more business opportunities.

Conduct a Check-up from the Neck-up
Get the right mindset. Learn to believe in yourself and your product or service

Identify your Target Market
Separate suspects from prospects

Catch their Attention!
You’ve only got 30 seconds. Use it or lose it

Make Every Call Count
Know the differences between discovery, qualifying and prospecting

Find the Key to Opening up Gatekeepers
Without their help you’ll be left out in the cold!

Qualify your Prospect in the First Sixty Seconds
Ask questions to move you in the right direction

Hit the Hot Buttons
Find out why people buy and what to say to grab their attention

Create Scripts for Every Prospect
One script does not fit all

Overcome the Top 5 Objections
We don’t take sales calls. I’m not interested. I’m too busy. I don’t have a budget. We’re using your competitor.

Conquer the Fear of Silence
You don’t have to do all the talking

Agree to the Next Step
Set realistic expectations

Avoid the "Lit Blow Off"
There has to be some give to get

Learn how to ask Pain Questions
There’s an ouch in there somewhere

Discover the Best Time to Call
Using your internal clock

Understand the decision making process
Don’t be an unpaid consultant

11:45am to 1:00pm

"How to" Workshop
1:00pm to 4:00pm

In this hands-on workshop you will be guided through the process of assembling your own Prospecting Playbook™. You will learn the key components to being prepared to handle any conversation with confidence and class. In addition, you will walk away with an effective script and the tools necessary to prepare additional scripts for all your products and vertical markets.

This three-part workshop will cover:

Tap the Power of Vertical Marketing
• Understand vertical marketing
• Define potential markets
• Identify market decision makers
• Create industry specific presentations

Begin Creating a Prospecting Playbook
• Probing questions that get answers
• Turnarounds that put you back in control
• Responses to Frequently Asked Questions
• Strategies for overcoming objections
• Designing voice mail messages that get return calls

Craft a Winning Script
• Secrets to a powerful introduction
• Grabbing the prospect’s attention
• Making the presentation benefit-centric
• Creating a strong “Call To Action”

Engage in Role Playing Activities
• Try out your new script on other attendees
• Learn how to mirror and match
• Use tone and inflection to create emotion

Cold Calling with Class™ Main
Cold Calling with Class™ Event Agenda
About the Speaker

Call us toll-free at 888.424.9224 or email us at for more information about our Cold Calling with Class™ sales training techniques and seminars.

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