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'B2B has exceeded my expectations and generated more leads than I thought possible. They are a pleasure to work with.'
–Jim Vance
 USA Analyticon Diagnostics

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Market Penetration Services

Our Market Penetration Services are a complete suite of database and market strategy services including database research, selection and licensing, appending services, market penetration analysis and market strategy consulting. Our Market Penetration Services enable you to gather, analyze and use business information to better identify and understand your prospects and customers and to develop fact-based strategies to transform your company into a more profitable business.

We can license or append a database for all of your sales and marketing projects – direct mail campaigns, lead generation campaigns, event invites, email blasts – as well as provide you with a variety of analytics and reports. You get access to accurate, up-to-date, top-rated data for thousands of U.S. businesses.

Our Market Penetration Services provide a range of sales and marketing solutions and benefits including:

  • Identifying your target market based on key demographics
  • Appending your database with critical data elements to manage the quality, completeness and freshness of your prospect and customer information
  • Determining what percent of the market you own and developing growth strategies for increasing market share
  • Tracking performance with valuable reports
  • Tailoring your marketing message to each of your customer segments
  • Testing "sample" lists before roll out
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