Business to Business Marketing
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'As the leader in a highly competitive market, we needed a lead generation partner that could represent our suite of electronic discovery solutions with excellence. We made the right choice with B2B - they have exceeded our expectations.'
–Dennis Palmer

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High Tech Lead Generation

From proprietary software applications to full blown enterprise wide management solutions, B2B has a wealth of experience conducting calling campaigns for some of the nation's most innovative companies. Our skilled High Tech Marketing Reps know how to speak with busy C-level executives about complex products and services. They are masters at qualifying, presenting and uncovering prospect needs.

We can conduct calling campaigns for:

• Business Intelligence Solutions
• Collaboration Software
• Content Management Solutions
• Customer Relationship Management
• Data Management & Storage Solutions
• Document Capture and Management Solutions
• E-commerce & Retail Solutions
• ERP Solutions
• Network & Security Solutions
• Performance Optimization Solutions
• Supply Chain Solutions

We provide the competitive edge you need by promoting your products and services directly to high level decision makers. Want to give a high-tech marketing campaign a try? Our Trial Program will show you that voice-to-voice is the most effective way to bring pre-qualified sales leads to your business.

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