Business to Business Marketing
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'New business generation is what we were looking for. B2B has become a critical part of our marketing budget. It is currently generating the highest ROI of all marketing budget categories. The best part is, the results seem to keep building over time.'
–Larry Zollo
 Skyline Displays

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Retail Marketing

Whether it is point of sale systems, e-commerce solutions, inventory control or supply chain management, B2B understands the diverse needs of retailers. Our Retail Marketing Reps are experienced in speaking with executives in the apparel, furniture, appliance, hardware, convenience store, department store and pharmacy arena. We have a great deal of experience in both online and brick-and-mortar solutions.

We can conduct calling campaigns for:

• Business Intelligence Software
• E-Commerce Software
• Electronic Payment Solutions
• Inventory Management Solutions
• Merchandising and Planning Solutions
• Multi-Channel Commerce Software Solutions
• Order Entry Solutions
• Order Management Software
• Point of Sale & Store Operation Solutions
• Retail Inventory Management Software
• Supply Chain Management
• Warehouse Management

We provide the competitive edge you need by promoting your products and services directly to high-level decision makers. Want to give a retail lead generation campaign a try? Our Trial Program will show you that voice-to-voice is the most effective way to bring pre-qualified B2B sales leads to your business.

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